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Food Temperatures

Understanding, Saftey, and Preference

Food thermometer.jpg

The 10 rules of food temperature saftey

  1. Safe Temperature Zones:

    • Keep hot foods above 140°F (60°C) to prevent bacterial growth.

    • Keep cold foods below 40°F (4°C) to slow down bacterial growth.

  2. Use a Food Thermometer:

    • Invest in a reliable food thermometer to accurately measure temperatures.

  3. Proper Placement of Thermometer:

    • Ensure the thermometer is placed in the thickest part of the food, away from bone and fat for accurate readings.

  4. Check Multiple Areas:

    • For large or thick items, check the temperature in multiple areas to ensure uniform cooking or chilling.

  5. Safe Minimum Internal Temperatures:

    • Be aware of safe minimum internal temperatures for different types of food:

      • Poultry: 165°F (74°C)

      • Ground meats: 165°F (74°C)

      • Fish: 145°F (63°C)

      • Pork, veal, and lamb: 145°F (63°C)

      • Steaks, roasts, and fish: 145°F (63°C)

  6. Rest Time:

    • Allow food to rest after cooking to allow for additional cooking and to distribute internal temperatures evenly.

  7. Reheating Temperatures:

    • Reheat leftovers to at least 165°F (74°C) to kill any potential bacteria.

  8. Cold Holding Temperatures:

    • Keep cold foods refrigerated at 40°F (4°C) or below to prevent bacterial growth.

  9. Hot Holding Temperatures:

    • Keep hot foods at 140°F (60°C) or above to maintain their safety and quality.

  10. Time and Temperature Relationship:

    • Remember the two-hour rule: Perishable foods should not be left at room temperature for more than 2 hours (1 hour if the temperature is above 90°F or 32°C).

Food Temperatures to Memorize

These are the minimum temperatures required to cook safely

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